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UX Case Study Collection

Prototyping a Smoother Map

If you like technical case studies this is great. Antin Harasymiv, a UX Engineer at Google, share a glimpse into how Google Maps works.

Explaining a complex financial product using animation

It's no doubt that moving image is taking over the web. GIFs belong in the past... This case study explains how to go from GIFs to animated SVGs.

How to Build a Case for a Product Redesign

How to merge two products after an acquisition. Maple, a designer at Google, walks us through their process.

Design Better Portfolios

All the do's and don'ts for your portfolio. Follow these, and you'll be in good shape. Remember to break the rules to stand out (and know the rules before you break them).

Now Mobile App

Now is a location-based social dating app that makes it easier than ever before for people to meet and enjoy real offline experiences at millions of public venues worldwide.

From Hackathon to Hire

Talentbite is an online platform for the candidates in search of a job (actively or passively) and companies providing jobs.

Repeat Roses

Social impact-meets-sustainability. Repeat Roses removes, restyles and delivers floral arrangements to people in the community (hospitals, shelters, and charities). Repeat Roses recollects the flowers one last time for composting in order to divert waste from landfills.

The ultimate guide to animation in UX

Animations play a significant role in UX. When the timing is right, it can enhance the experience multiple times.

This is probably one of the most in-depth interface animation guides I've ever seen.

Carousels on Mobile Devices

We've all been tempted to use a carousel to save space on mobile devices, I know I'm guilty of it.

Nielsen Norman Group has put together a nice case study on the use of carousels on mobile devices.

Mythbuster: The Three Click Rule

You've probably heard of the famous "Three Click Rule," I've been an avid advocate for it myself for many years.

I love it when someone challenges my thoughts and give me an aha-moment. This thoughtful piece will definitely give you new perspectives.

UX Designer Portfolio Website

UX Designer Portfolio Websites

One of your first step in applying for any kind of job is making sure your portfolio is in good shape. These 19 hand-selected UX designer portfolio websites will inspire you when making your own.

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UX Designer Resume Examples

UX Designer Resume Examples

This list of 21 inspiring UX designer resumes (includes resumes from Google designers) will help you determine where to set the bar for youself.

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